Top tips for downsizing

For many whose children have grown up and flown the nest, downsizing is an obvious choice. It means less maintenance and no danger of being lumbered with a large property that you and your partner are struggling to take care of as you get older.

It might also present an opportunity for you to move to a different part of the South West, if you fancy a change of scenery as well as owning a smaller property.

However, downsizing naturally comes with its challenges, as you will have a large property’s worth of possessions that you need to slim down to fit comfortably in your new abode. Downsizing might mean you decide to change the furniture you own, or simply that you decide to declutter to ensure you are bringing less with you to your new home.

House Digest recently offered some tips for anyone who is looking to downsize, the first being to start sorting through your belongings early.

The sooner you are able to start going through your possessions and deciding which ones you want to keep and which you can let go of, the less stressful the whole process will be. One suggestion is to catalogue and sort all the items you own, allowing you to get an overview of exactly what you have.

Another top tip from the news provider is to get rid of any duplicate belongings as a starting point, after all, you do only need so many mugs!

Here at Removals Unlimited, we understand that downsizing can be an emotional process, particularly if you are moving out of a home that you have watched your children grow up in. Our team of professional movers and packers will always be sensitive to your feelings on and around your moving day.

Of course, there are likely to be sentimental items among your belongings and it may not be practical to take all of those with you. If you are struggling to give up certain possessions, but you know they won’t easily fit in your new home, you could consider storage. We pack, move and store, so not only can we help you move home, but we can also securely store any belongings that you don’t need but that you don’t want to part with.

Our storage spaces are easily accessible, secure, clean and fully weatherproof, so you can store everything from boxes of photos or mementos or larger pieces of furniture with us, safe in the knowledge that they will be well taken care of.

Another incentive to downsize in 2022 could be the rising energy prices we are experiencing. As the Gaurdian noted in July, the average household energy bill in the UK is forecast to rise to over £3,500 by the end of the year, so having a smaller property to heat could certainly be an advantage.

Whatever reason you’re considering downsizing, get in touch with us to find out more about our storage and removals services in Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch, Ferndown, Ringwood and beyond. We are always happy to help and will provide you with a free, no-obligation quote for your move.

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