When you might need a crane for your move

Moving home isn’t always as straightforward as packing up some boxes and moving a few items of furniture. You might have some very large, delicate or awkwardly shaped belongings. Or you may live in a property with narrow staircases, or even a top-floor flat in a building with no elevator.

In any of these scenarios, you may need a crane to help move certain items safely and efficiently out of your property and into the removal vans and trucks that will transport it to your new home.

Here at Removals Unlimited, we have a great deal of experience of moving specialist items and navigating unusual properties.

As a result, we have developed relationships with crane providers to ensure we are able to hire the right kind of crane for the job should one be required for a move. All of the crane providers we work with share our ethos of putting you, the client, first and wanting to do the best possible job on every move.

So, when might you need a crane for your move? If you have a particularly large item that needs to be transported, a crane could be the only way of safely lifting and moving it. This could be, for example, a shipping container that you use at your business premises that needs to move with you when you leave.

In some cases it could be that you live in a flat above ground level and have a large item of furniture that it isn’t practical to carry down stairs. In such instances, packing and protecting the item of furniture is important, as is securing it so that it can be safely lifted out of an upper-floor window and lowered to the removal vehicles waiting below.

We are always happy to support any of our clients with specialist item removals, and we have extensive experience of moving delicate and precious positions such as pianos. 

As an article for Forbes noted, moving a piano can be particularly challenging because it is a delicate instrument. This means it requires forward planning and you will benefit from the assistance of professional movers. The news provider noted that it is advisable to plan the route you will take to get your piano out of your property and into its new home. Using a crane may be the most appropriate solution, which is why working with a company like us is so valuable.

In one particularly extreme example of moving an unusual and awkward item, the Guardian shared the story of a family in Sweden who moved their whole house after the expansion of the local mine resulted in a chasm opening up in the middle of the town where they lived. This is one case where a crane (and a great deal of specialist moving expertise!) was required!

While we can’t quite accommodate an entire house in our removal trucks and vans, we certainly have more than enough space for all of your belongings and we are happy to discuss any specialist support you may require to complete your move.

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