Want to avoid the packing part of moving home? Let us help!

We’re sure you’re aware that moving home is considered to be one of the most stressful life events. In fact, Chester Standard shared the findings of a survey that revealed more than one-third of Brits who had moved recently described it as one of the most stressful events of their lives!

What’s more, 22 per cent said that they found the whole process so stressful they would be put off of ever moving home again.

The survey also asked people what their top bugbears with moving home were. At the top of the list was organising services and subscriptions at their new address, but in second place was the time spent packing bags and boxes with belongings.

Here at Removals Unlimited we may not be able to sort out your services for you, but we can certainly take a lot of the stress out of the packing process. Our full packing service is definitely worth considering if this is the part of your move that you dread the most.

Our team of experienced professional packers will not only provide all the packing materials required for your move, but will carefully and diligently pack all of your belongings in appropriate boxes and crates ahead of moving day.

Usually we will come to your home one to two days before you move to pack up your possessions. This means you don’t have to spend weeks living out of and surrounded by boxes before you move either! We will label every box clearly with the room it needs to go in at your new home too, so that the unpacking process runs more smoothly once you’re settled in.

We do, however, recommend that you pack a box of moving day essentials. For a family box, include the likes of your kettle, mugs, tea/coffee, washing up liquid and bin bags (you’ll find a comprehensive list of what we recommend you pop in here in our blog about packing an essentials box). It’s also a great idea for each member of your family to pack their own essentials bag containing the likes of a change of clothes, a toothbrush/toothpaste and electronic devices and their chargers.

On that list of moving bugbears were also the likes of having to lift heavy boxes, being unable to fit furniture through the front door and scratched walls from deliveries. We can certainly help with all of this too, as our team will not only do all the heavy lifting, but they will also use a full house protection kit to protect not only your furniture, but also the walls, floors and doors of the home you’re leaving and the one you’re moving to.

The Sheffield Star also revealed that one of the most Googled questions relating to moving home is “How to pack when moving house”. This is certainly not something you’ll need to worry about if you trust our reliable team at Removals Unlimited to take care of the packing for you.

If you’ve been worrying about packing for your move, and you could do with some support from our trained professional packers, contact us today to find out more about our services and learn how we can support your move and take some of the stress out of the process.

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